JMU JMU - Department of Computer Science
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Quiz Policies

1 Collaboration

Quizzes are "open book" but you must work entirely on your own.

2 Delivery

Each quiz will be delivered as a Canvas "quiz". It will become available (as an "assignment") shortly after we have completed the material that it covers and will remain available until the due date/time.

NOTE: Do not click on Submit Quiz until you have answered all of the questions to the best of your ability (i.e., until you are done). Canvas will automatically save your work. You can answer some questions, leave Canvas, return to Canvas, and answer other questions (or change your answers), as long as you don't click on Submit Quiz.

3 Some Advice

Do not leave quizzes until the last minute. Technical problems are not uncommon. They are much easier to deal with if you leave yourself time. They are often impossible to deal with at the last minute.

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